Sunday, April 6, 2014

Indonesian government pays £1.1million to save Maid who killed employee from being Beheaded in Saudi Arabia(Photo)

An Indonesian maid who was found guilty of killing her employer's wife and stealing 37,970 riyal (£5640, $10,125) in 2007 won't be beheaded after the Indonesian government has agreed to pay £1.1million ($2.1m).
Satinah Binti Jumadi Ahmad, 41, has been on death row in a Saudi Arabian prison since 2011 & has always claimed that she acted in self defence.
The family of the murdered woman agreed to settle for seven million riyal in 'blood money' instead of the execution of Ms Ahmad, an acceptable exchange under Islamic sharia law.

The Indonesian government negotiated the payment down from the 10 million riyal which had been originally requested by the The al-Garib family in 2011.
'We have agreed to give the victim’s family what they demanded,' Indonesian coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs Djoko Suyanto said...
Talk about being valued by your country
In 2011 the beheading of Ruyati Binti Sapub, another maid found guilty of murder, infuriated the Indonesian government who claimed they were not kept properly informed on the dates and facts surrounding the execution.

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