Thursday, May 8, 2014

The world's oldest prostitutes Louise and World's Oldest Prostitutes reveal how to keep a man satisfied

Martine Fokkens both
71 have slept with 355,000 men
The sisters, who are famous for their trademark matching red
clothes, first turned to prostitution aged 20 after escaping
violent relationships.
Now the pair, who retired last year, have revealed the secrets
of keeping your man happy - both in bed and out - in an
exclusive interview with MailOnline.Louise a mother of four
We were young and we made jokes and had respect for
men.What I've learned about men is that when they
[men] drink, it's not good, 'I have also learned that people
need prostitutes - it is normal and we should respect
it.'Men are born this way [in need of sex]. There isn't a
problem and it makes me mad when people don't have
respect for what we do.'Every man wants something
different and that's the real game - finding out what they
What about men who cheat on their wives with
prostitutes or other women?
They want to be free.Their wives won't have sex with
them even if they love them.'If you really want to meet a
man and keep him, you need to be yourself.Always be
yourself. This is what we learned when we were little
and it's true. But also you must have respect for other
people and listen to other people.' We have to keep busy
because we have no pension, as most people our age do.
We still do see a few of our old clients, we meet them
for either a tea or a coffee... or at the bar"

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