Friday, May 23, 2014

Jonathan may be Nigeria's last president - former Gov. Orji Uzor Kalu

Former Governor of Abia state, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu, while
speaking with airport correspondents yesterday as he returned
from a trip to the UK, said if things are not properly checked
politically, President Jonathan might be the last president
Nigeria will have.
"When I was travelling precisely on the 26 of April, I left
this airport and I spoke to the airport correspondents and I
said there was a need to collaborate with international
organisations. You see, this issue is not about President
Goodluck Jonathan. If we don’t take time and work
together as Nigerians, Jonathan might be the last Nigerian
President. Jonathan might be the Gorbachev of Nigeria.
And that is the truth, so we better wake up. Political
class, business class, military, civilians must now stand
up to work for our internal security. Internal security is
more important than anything we have done and I believe
that once we are able to come together Nigeria will be
alright. As of now the country is in pains; the country is
in problem and some people are taking it very lightly.
We are suffering from pains of our people; we are
suffering from pains of the Nigerian system. This is not
about which part of the country you come from, it is
about Nigeria. Nigerian people should take what is
happening seriously and I am surprised that the political
class and the private sector are still joking with this
matter. This is a serious matter. Anybody’s child can be
kidnapped; whether it is at Chibok or any other place,
Nigerian should take this matter seriously. Can you
imagine how many Nigerians that have been killed; how
many of us that have been wounded. I want people to be
as wise as my grandmother. I want people to take this
matter seriously. Those girls kidnapped are our sisters;
they are our daughters. It is because none of us has lost
anybody that is why to some people; it is looking like a
joke. We should stop taking this as a joke and take the
matter very seriously in order to move forward.
We should not lose what we have. We should be able to
come together as one family and fight because if we
don’t take time; I repeat it for the second time, Jonathan
will be the last president of the name Nigeria.
Government can negotiate formerly or informally. It can
send agents to negotiate on its behalf without getting
involved. The US does this in Afghanistan and other
places. It can negotiate formerly or informally” he said

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